.. cyanogen's EVE tools ..    info RSS feed

Collection of tools usable in or out of EVE Online.

) AT8 - Alliance Tournament VIII Qualification Rounds

) Maps - Graphical region maps
) Skills - Skill tree with training times for each level, can be shared with other characters
) Weapons - DPS and other stats for drones, missiles and turret weapons
) Ore - Clone of Grismar's ore chart, with additional features
) Market - calculates average prices for market transactions and manages market orders
) BPO - calculates list of materials required to build items
) Loot - value/m3 for loot
) JB Calc - Jump bridge fuel calculator

) POS Fuel - Various POS fuel calculators
) Time Calc - Skill completion time calculator
) Linux Scripts - EVE management scripts for Linux and WINE
) Gas Cloud Harvesting - some personal notes
) Probing Tutorial - simple probing tutorial
) Outpost Coverage - outpost percentage per region

) Fittings - Fitting requirements and ship stats (DEAD)
) Ship Calc - Shield/armor hitpoints and shield/capacitor regen calculator (DEAD)

Useful tools made by others:

) Ombey's 2D EVE Maps - printable region maps (PDF)
) Kravek Sovereignty Overlay - sovereignty overlay for Ombey's 2D maps
) Dotlan EVE Maps - online and printable region maps
) EVE Strategic Maps - non-free region maps
) Intergalactic Info System - system information for EVE browser
) 0.0 Influence Map - colorful alliance sovereignty map
) Factional Warfare Influence Map - colorful faction warfare sovereignty map
) Faction Warfare Statistics - faction warfare statistics
) 0.0 Political Powerblocs - no longer updated?

) Dotlan Jump Planner - capital ship jump planner
) ICSC Jump Planner - capital ship jump planner

) eWormhole - wormhole information
) EVE Metrics Wormholes - wormhole information
) Static Corp's wormhole list - wormhole information
) Static Corp's wormhole system list - information about wormhole systems
) Glory Of War: NachoCuban - wormhole information

) EVE Overview Creator - overview creator
) EVE-Offline - server status monitor
) Out of Eve - web based character planner and more...
) EVE Wiki - Implants
) eveiverse - searchable item database
) NPC Database - information about each NPC
) Agent Finder - find mission, locator and R&D agents
) Locator Agents - select yes on the location scan option
) EVE Central - market aggregator and trade finder
) EVE-Survival - mission info, NPC ships and more
) EVE Info - missions (outdated), NPC ships, agents, offers
) EVE COSMOS Missions - cosmos missions
) Grismar's EVE Wiki - various tools including the best ore chart
) EVE [geek] - an assortment of calculators
) Chruker's site - assorted info
) Sleyn Peade's moon map project
) Tech 3 Subsystem Config Tool - view ship stats with selected subsystems
) EVE Guides - guides, guides, guides...

External Programs:
) My POS - pos planner (Windows program)
) EVEMon - character planner (Windows program)
) GtkEveMon - character planner (Linux program)
) pyfa - ship fitting tool (Windows/Linux/Mac program)
) EFT - ship fitting tool (Windows program)
) MiningBuddy - (PHP program)
) EVE Wiki - Third Party Tools

Screenshot gallery:

) broken amarr shuttle ·· bottom
) broken amarr shuttle ·· top
) character ·· cyanogen
) character ·· Pa On
) clear viator
) dual tractors
) igb ·· tracker
) market ·· items
) market ·· orders
) my pos
) pink viator
) super buzzard